
Young Women Should Consider Concealed Carry

Posted by John Mitchell on 29th May 2013

Follow the Steps to Get the Right Pistol

As a young professional woman living in a metropolitan area, you should consider the carrying a concealed weapon for your personal safety.  You might not know what is necessary to get the permit to do this, but I assure you the effort is very small in comparison to the safety and confidence you can derive from having a hand gun at the ready.  If you don't own a hand gun, you can go to a reputable gun retailer where there are folks who can help you select the right weapon for you. If you are going to concealed carry your weapon, it is best to have a pistol with a small footprint, like a small automatic.  Many young women are attracted to the shoulder conceal and carry handbags. There are many types of carry bags that you can choose from. Having a larger pistol can limit the types of purses that will allow you to successfully concealed carry the weapon.  In the process of selecting your weapon the dealer may have a place for you to try it out, and in fact you will probably be able to get the full training that you need for the proper use of your new weapon at the dealer's facility.  If the dealer does not have facilities at their location they will know a place that they can recommend to you to try out your pistol and get the proper training.  Make sure you are comfortable with the use and handling of your weapon!

See our complete article on what steps you need to do to be successful with concealed carry! See it at 21 Tips