
Proficiency from Concealed Carry Weapon

Posted by The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, OH, 12/18/13 on 4th Apr 2014

Be Able to Protect Yourself Anywhere

Everton Mosby, 24, was approached by two men outside of his home around 2 a.m. They forced Mosby inside the home where they beat him. During the assault, Mosby was able to pull out his concealed firearm. He fired at his attackers, striking both of them. One suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. The second assailant was treated for a gunshot wound to the knee before being placed under arrest. It was reported that the surviving suspect had been previously convicted of charges including breaking and entering, theft, criminal damaging and felonious assault. 

Pistol proficiency can save your life. Keep your skills up so that when you have to use your pistol it will be effective.