When Involving Authorities Doesn't Help
Posted by Katrina Baum, Ph.D., Shannan Catalano, Ph.D., and Michael Rand Bureau of Justice Statistics on 4th Aug 2016
Do Not Be a Victim Start to Concealed Carry
Stalking is defined as consistent contact by an unwanted party in a manner that causes feelings of fear in the victims, who rarely comprehend the intentions of their stalkers. Seemingly inconsequential, repeated contact by another person can quickly escalate into a harmful situation The real issue, however, is that according to a study by the U. S. Department of Justice, 72% of stalking situations either do not improve, or get worse even after a report is made to police. In these instances, sometimes the best protection is to take matters into your own hands, authorities may not help. Self-protection, with the right training and tools , can mean the difference between life and death.