If you are a concealed carry permit holder and you keep a pistol in your possession when you are out and about, you have surely run into those people who are anti-gun control advocates. They may be your family, your friends, or even strangers. Incessantly they are interested telling you how much harm you will do with that concealed weapon. It is that old argument that continues on. You need to be prepared to state your position and stand your ground. This includes making a strong case for gun rights.
One thing that will anger an anti-gun advocate is someone who knows the facts and argues their position in an effective way. The anti-gun folks want to push you out of the public discussion. They will look for every way to say that we are extremists, alarmists, paranoid, and delusional. I honestly do not know what is wrong with these people! Seems that if they do not get their way they are going to scream and scratch. They have no room for some else' s opinion. You are always wrong and they will never concede to an honest discussion.
The best way to enter a discussion with these people is to put the burden of proof on them. You have to realize that such a discussion has to be done in calm environment. It really comes down to the tone of the conversation. Use a friendly soft approach to the discussion. The best way to enter such a debate is to lead with a question such as, "I know you want to ban assault weapons?" Ask them to explain what they mean by assault weapons. Such questions will require that the opposition explain their position. Usually this tactic will expose gaps in their position without having to attack them.
It is not very productive for you to counter every technical error they make. Instead acknowledge their position, but do ask them to support the position that they take. In such a back-and-forth you are not likely to persuade the anti-gun proponents. If this discussion is happening on social media, you will have listeners from both sides who hear all the conversation. So you will be most effective in convincing the folks that are undecided with your reasonable position.
You will come off as more reasonable if you do not portray yourself as a gun waving lunatic. You should appear as a level-headed person who will listen to other points of view, but keep your position. With a smooth non-hostile approach explain that keeping life is fundamental, and we have a right to defend ourselves with proportional force. When in a life or death situation, it is not practical for police to be in our location to protect us. A pistol will not guarantee that we are protected, but it will give us better chance of protection, than if we were not armed.
In a situation of defending your right to carry, you must be calm and normal. A shouting match does no one any good, and certainly will not cause any one to change their position. Think ahead and go into such a discussion calm and collected, but make the other side support their position.