
When You Buy a Purse Consider a Concealed Carry Purse

If you are shopping for a new purse you should consider getting one that offers concealed carry. If you are already a concealed carry permit holder you know how a concealed purse will help your self protection. If you have never carried a concealed pistol, you should certainly consider the concealed purse. You will need to become aware of the concealed carry laws in your state before you start. There are many concealed carry handguns for you to select from.


Carrying a pistol in a purse so it is unseen by those nearby is called concealed carry. You can find a carry purse in any style. With the crime we have today, self-defense should be a high priority everywhere you go. You can be attacked anywhere - a convenience store, grocery store, hiking trail, car, or even in your neighborhood. It's better to anticipate problems and be prepared than be caught off guard and unable to protect yourself.


Getting self protection is not complicated. Fear prevents some women from doing this. If you fear, evaluate if it's rational. If you were attacked by a mugger on your evening walk and had no way to defend yourself, you would be in shock for days. It's better to prepare and know how to repel an attacker, than be at the mercy of a thug.


The first step to getting over your fear of guns is to identify the source of your anxiety. One of the most common sources of fear is the loud sound a pistol makes when it fires. To work toward reducing this fear, it is a good idea to always wear sound-reducing ear protection when you are shooting.


The second fear is that of an accidental discharge. This cannot happen - there is only a negligent discharge. A gun cannot go off on its own - if it does, it is because the person manipulating it made a mistake. Total training in firearm use is recommended to avoid this.


The recoil from a pistol can be scary for some women, but starting with a .22 caliber pistol, which has very little recoil, can help. Once you're comfortable shooting a .22, you can move on to pistols of higher calibers with more recoil.


Another basic fear is that for a dropped discharge. This means that when a pistol is dropped it will automatically discharge when it hits the ground. This is a very rare occurrence. One of the main rules you should practice is to keep the safety on with your pistol until yo are ready to shoot. Usually your gun will have built in safety features that prevent this from happening.


To help to dissuade these fears it is a good idea to talk to as many experienced pistol shooters as possible. You will definitely need to take a pistol shooting courses from a trained and certified firearms instructor. These trainers are experienced in getting you well situated with pistols. They will start you off as a beginner and take you through all the steps that you need to become successful with shooting.


After you have gotten to the point where you can go to the range and practice with your pistol you need to take a pistol course that will teach you all you need to know about shooting. But it might be of interest to you to take a concealed carry course that will also teach you all the necessary details of proper concealed carry.